Origin Aluminium Windows

Origin Aluminium Windows including a 20yr Guarantee!

Premium Slimline & Standard Aluminium Windows at LOW Prices...

Origin Windows, made to measure, made to last.
Including Origin’s 20yr Guarantee!

Choose from over 150 RAL Colours...
Fast manufacturing lead times, from only 7 days!
Secured by Design - the Official Police initiative
Choose either Slimline OW70 or Standard OW80 profiles
Surveyed & Installed by FENSA accredited professionals.
Every Window - Guaranteed for 20yrs
FENSA Certified, Insured and Guaranteed
Origin Windows

Every supplier & installer will tell you their windows are the best, but they can’t all be the best – can they?

Origin are so confident in their products that when we install one of their Aluminium Windows you’ll receive a 20yr manufacturers guarantee from them!

It’s for this reason that we’re so confident installing their windows, having worked with Origin for many years we can see first hand just how exceptional their products are.

Origin offer two types of windows, the main difference between OW-70 and OW-80 is the way that they look.

The OW-70 offers the slimmest sightlines at just 65mm wide, ideal for those looking to maximise on natural light and views. OW-80 may not offer sightlines as slim as OW-70, however, it offers an internal flush casement, which OW-70 cannot provide.

Both the OW-70 and OW-80 are manufactured using premium grade aluminium, are durable and low maintenance, and come with an industry-leading guarantee of up to 20 years.

We don’t believe in pushy salesmen or sky high prices, instead we offer a good old fashioned honest approach advising you of the best product(s) for your property. We guarantee to offer you the best value for money along with a service that will exceed your expectations and that’s a promise.

For a personalised quotation please contact us for a FREE no obligation quotation: sales@windowrepaircompany.co.uk

Origin OW70_OW80

INSTANT online repair quote...

Contact Us

Mon - Fri: 03333 220 270
82 LakeView Way, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE7 8DQ

Areas Covered






St Neots

Products Include

uPVC Windows

uPVC Doors

uPVC French Doors

Composite Doors

Aluminium Windows

Aluminium Doors

Aluminium French Doors

Aluminium Bifold Doors

Aluminium Sliding Doors

Timber Windows

Timber Doors

Timber French Doors

Secondary Glazing

Repairs Include

uPVC Windows & Doors

Composite Doors

Window & Door Repairs

Sash Window Repairs

Replacement Sealed Units

Misted or Cloudy Double Glazing

Replacement Window Handles

Replacement Euro Cylinders

Cat Flaps in Double Glazing

Conservatory Glazing

Window Repair Company Cambridgeshire (Trading name of Argon Windows and Doors Limited) serves the whole of the county (as well as Hertfordshire) including: Cambridge, Ely, Huntingdon, March, Ramsey, Peterborough, St Neots and the surrounding villages. We offer a professional Window & Door Replacement Service alongside our Repair team offering a double glazing replacement service replacing your blown (misted or cloudy) sealed units in your uPVC windows. In addition to this service we also carry out Window & Door repairs including handles, friction stay hinges for casement windows, flag hinges for uPVC & Composite doors and 3 Star Ultion Euro Cylinder upgrades.

Website & Contents Copyright: Window Repair Company 2021